6th: Full Big Brother update
The newly released version of Second Site, allows me to easily include some additional information on people not included on the site with a page of their own. The main change as a result of this is that below each person's page, if they have family, lifespan dates (mth/year only) now show.
Big Brother has therefore had a full refresh. If I've missed some links somewhere, please let me know.
Apart from a general tidy-up the main changes that I can remember are:
- Archibald FAIRBAIRN (marr. to Janet SCOTT) has had a revamp,
- John FAIRBAIRN (marr. to Elisabeth MILLER) of New York has been brought in from the cold and been incorporated into my FAIRBAIRN family and will now show up in the FAIRBAIRN descendant charts in due course (he's not yet online and linked)
- the neverending story .
I see that there's a clutch of "Recent changes" shown for the LOCKIE/RUNCIMAN family, but they can be ignored, I was simply attaching a source document and tidying up some source citations, no new information involved.
Labels: big brother, dna, FAIRBAIRN, LOCKIE, RUNCIMAN, SCOTT, SecondSite