My genealogy research diary. What changed, where, sometimes even why.
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Sunday, 14 June 2009

13th: Ebissa Canute and Quendrid

I was stuck on my TURNBULLs, and had been contacted by a chap with an interest in Peter's GRAINGERS (in America rather than Worcester by this stage). Names like Canute, Ebissa, Quendrid, are rather more interesting to search, and excepting the vagaries of indexed versions of their names, mostly findable.
Peter's GRAINGER pages have therefore been updated with a few more twigs on the charts.


Tuesday, 16 December 2008

15th: Tax avoidance!

The only sure things in life being death and taxes, it was long past time to deal with the latter, so I've had to restrict my fun with genealogy for a while. Nearly there, as the accountant will be glad to hear.
Couldn't resist the occasional treat of a foray into assorted emails and updates though of course.
One lot wasn't even my family.
Quite some years ago I did some research for Peter on his Worcester GRAINGERS. One family that I uncovered in that I published with the rest purely because I liked the names (Quendrid, Oswin, Egbert, Canute, Ebissa), and hadn't researched whether or not they were Peter's relations, although it did look quite likely given they too were from Claines. It turned out that at least one descendant of Canute GRAINGER thought so (in Illinois), and kindly shared the information she had been provided with. And then today, up popped another contact, in England this time, with information about Peter's 4*greats uncle Theodore.
So I thought it was time to update his web pages. Theodore proved a bit of a puzzle, as I've concluded he married three times and went by several different names: Theodore GRAINGER, Theodore WHITEHOUSE, Theodore Whitehouse GRAINGER, and may or may not have married firstly Mary FARMER, secondly Elizabeth WHITEHOUSE and thirdly a Catherine.
No wonder he was a bit hard to find in the records.
Can anyone confirm my educated guesses?

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Tuesday, 14 August 2007

Aug 3rd, 2007

3rd: Brought Peter's Graingers of Worcester webpages up to the latest version of Second Site. No new data, just a new look, which I had great fun creating the images for.
All Rootsweb based sites are still best viewed using Firefox or similar browsers rather than Internet Explorer, banner code still not fixed.
Found a few more WIGHT descendants in assorted census records but had to hunt for them as they'd crossed back into Northumberland (Robert CAIRNS/Janet WIGHT).

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