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Tuesday, 14 August 2007

Aug 9th-10th, 2007

9th-10th: I believe that all the web sites are now in place. Please let me know if I've mucked up any links in the process of shifting everything around:
This should take you in to the main pages with the necessary links to the most current pages, and this should take you to the slightly smaller version of the site more suited to non broadband users, or anyone wanting a left hand index of names to keep track of whilst browsing.

All the old Rootsweb sites are still in place and should have some links pointing off to the above two new versions.

Checked out the will/probate file for a John RICHARDSON who died at Wanganui in 1902 aged 68. Left everything to his 3rd son Martin, with proviso that eldest dtr Ellen and wife Bridget were allowed to continue living in the house they all currently lived in. No mention of the blacksmith son John (married to Annie Elizabeth TURCICH) whose 1915 dth cert. shows father John as a blacksmith, not a farmer. I'm beginning to wonder if there were two John & Bridget RICHARDSONs around at the same time/place, or was the father just versatile. John & Bridget's intentions to marry showed them as resident in Wanganui for 8 & 9 years respectively but I don't yet know where John comes from. Watch this space. It was the presence of a RICHARDSON blacksmith lviing around the same area as the newfound RICHARDSON relations that made me start on this family.

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July 6th, 2007

6th: This RICHARDSON family sure moved round a lot. James Russell RICHARDSON Middling (he's the 2nd of three generations in NZ with that string of names) and Jnr have been found in Wanganui, along with the conclusive proof that the Ashburton JRR (the Jnr) was indeed his son. Dtr Rita moved a bit further than to Ashburton from Hunterville however, as she pops up in California by 1936 at least (as Frances Rita LEGEAR). "Russell" in Ashburton even went to London at the end of the war, having joined the Flying Corp and been sent off to Britain as an RAF Cadet, leaving NZ on Armistice Day! Ended up serving in the army 45 days.
Rellies database LornaHenderson updated.

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